This Week In Art : 10.07.19

Orlando is full of artists doing cool stuff. Join the community. Here's what's going on 'This Week In Art'.

- Wednesday, Orlando Shakes opens the classic Macbeth, running through November 24.

- Friday, a two-part Halloween event at Harry P. Leu GardensHaunting Tales starts with family-friendly stories then, after intermission, continues with wicked, hair-raising tales.

- All this week at Enzian Theater, the South Asian Film Festival celebrates the Eastern culture with five selected films.

- Opening Friday, Orlando Repertory Theatre hosts How I Became A Pirate, a pirate-themed musical, running through November 10.

- Also opening Friday, Central Florida Community Arts hosts the thrilling musical Sweeney Todd about a barber turned serial killer.

Do something this week! And don't forget Immerse 2019, October 18 & 19.